I cannot remember a more crazy time in my life, not a terrible time or a sad time, just a
really, crazy time. What a comfort to know that even though I may be out of control, God is in control.
This is just an update for all of my sweet Memphis area clients and friends. We are now fully (
mostly) moved to Panama City Beach, FL. I never thought I would live in a place so beautiful. Seriously, I can't wait to see your families again when you come down for your family vacations. So far my phone number is the same and I am planning on sending you all magnets so that you can remember me :)
Funny story...I love my family. God has blessed us tremendously and continually reminds me that it is He and not I that is in control. My day yesterday was yet another reminder of just that. And this is how it went...We have been set to close on our new (
yet older) house on Dec 30th. We started the day excited at finally being able to get in and start cleaning and making it our own, yet we did not have a close time. So......we waited, and....we waited. Until 1:30 when we found out the title company did not have our insurance. "AHHHHH", got that figured out. and......we waited and again....waited. YAY!!!! WE GOT A CLOSE TIME (4:30). Went to the bank, got the check to take to closing, on the way to closing
with all three kids in tow, and.......found out that we had to get some wood rot fixed before we could close on the house! Sigh! Letdown and Seriously at closing you tell us?????
Crazy and frustrating but I have to know that God rules it all. Long story short, they let us close. Our sweet real estate agent got the carpentar out to our house, it was reinspected and we now own a home again (well, the bank owns it for us :)
There's more, we stayed a long time at the house last night to clean, pull up carpet, and get things ready to move in. The kids completly wore themselves out running around like crazy people, jumping on the trampaline, falling in the pool, exploring the new space. We finally made it back to our condo (late), all three kids fell alseep on our five minute trip home. We, being as smart as we are, loaded them onto a luggage cart and pushed them to the elevator and unloaded them into their beds in our 20th floor condo. Life is crazy, God is Good.
I went to bed last night exhausted...and thankful! for my family, my crazy life, my loving husband and my God that is ever in control.
Can't post without pictures so